why did my ex unfriend me but not block me
air force assignment availability codes || ||Everything I tried to type was too long, and she just told me I was Immature when friends were many people who blocked me and didnt want to hear my side. I see him all over dating apps so I know he doesnt have a girlfriend. So cold towards me, when I was around him, he hardly smiled or wanted to be hugged, didnt want to see me as much, didnt message me back yet was online elsewhere. I recently confronted my ex who broke up with me because she was breadcrumbing me. What Does It Mean When Your Ex Unblocks You? It means your ex is/has moved on. They're mature enough to know that they don't need to block you to get over you because only time can do that. Ho Your ex might have a hard time after the No Contact since the breakup hits the dumper through the last weeks of No Contact and after that. Reading Suggestion:22 Signs He Has Strong Feelings For You. But I made it private a few months ago and if she is to ever request me again, I'd have to physically accept it. Had you begged and pleaded, threatened your ex, and taken revenge, your ex would probably have blocked you. The reason he never blocked you is because he's not one to play childish immature blocking tactics. People with immature minds tend to play this ga Thats not necessarily a bad thing. The moment you dont reply then your ex might start calling you names and change their behavior entirely. You want to heal yourself and focus on self-improvement, 6. If you went from platonic to romantic and it didnt work out then the No Contact period is quite enough to help you move on. Hi Sole, often people do this so that they can post things without you seeing what they are doing. They may go no contact for their own sake after every break-up, but theyll probably reach out to you sometime in the future if thats true. You seem to be moving on just fine without him. Note: If an ex wants to reconcile then theyll find a way to do it, even if youve blocked them. Alright, now that we have established what you should and should not post, let us jump into why your ex-boyfriend might have unfollowed you on social media. A lot of people remove their exs on social media for their own healing. WebBut has anyone been unfriended? We began to have a lot of arguments as we were both going through our own personal struggles. She acted like she did when we where together and the smile didnt leave her face when she was with me. Gone completely NC. You cant fake it, because trust me, your ex will notice. I admit I do not use social media for random or distance acquaintances though. Nicole and her best friend Summer. It could be that the person is no longer interested in staying connected with you or that they found your posts annoying. No matter how bad the breakup, you and your ex can reflect back on almost every relationship has its good moments. Most dumpers simply dont block their ex after the breakup just because they can. I'm not saying the person is erased forever, they can call, email, whatever and I can choose to answer/respond or not but in terms of staying current with my "social media life" that's for the people I am closest with and an ex really isn't a key part of my life anymore. Well, blocking unfriends you as well. Your whole narrative about the relationship can get upended, and you may even question why you broke up in the first place. Just know whatever you do, theres a chance your ex will copy or try to one up your decisions. Those mixed feelings can turn into longing, but your ex could still be on the fence about being the first one to initiate contact. If your ex was interested in giving it another go, they wouldnt have blocked you in the first place or they would have immediately contacted you after unblocking you. Blocking is considered impulsive and extreme and sends the message that the dumper resents the dumpee and doesnt want to communicate ever again. I was hurt initially and cried my eyes out in front of him. So if your ex unfriended you but hasnt blocked you yet, dont view this as an opportunity to get back in touch with your ex. Fast forward a couple days and i was still checking and seeing the followers / following go up and down yet we had private pages. Do I have a chance of getting him back after I sent so many messages that I wasnt bothered? But that doesnt mean they want to start talking again and get back together. John Adams is the founder of this site, howtodothings101. You (or your ex) will question if the right decision was made. Why shouldnt you block your ex during No Contact? I dont know if she did it to punish me/prove a point or because she genuinely needed me out of her feed, but she didnt unfriend me anywhere else, so idk. Many dumpees want to know why their ex unfriended them but didnt block them. For example, go through some Facebook posts to see if theyre dating anyone new, if theyve recently had a personal setback, or had any major life events. We all havepeople from high school in our friends listthat we dont talk to or even interact with their posts on social media. He didnt want to do something one day and I just exploded, he then broke it off there and told me it was my fault. Then he suddenly blocked me in all social media and told me he is jealous that im hanging out and going out with my friends. What it does mean is that you have had a big enough impact on him that he cannot bear to look at your profile because. Chances are, your ex feels that way too, even if he was the one who broke up with you. Most of them either stay friends on social media, unfriend their ex right away, or wait a few weeks or months before they unfriend. or they are trying to show you on purpose that you are nothing for them anymore and they blocked you 2 Reply Most Helpful Opinions darkfoxjj Follow Xper 7 Age: 35 , mho 45% +1 y I stated how I felt that again I will want more and that this friends deal didnt sound like friends. I apologized because they said I pretty much was harassing her. You need to understand that if you leave your ex alone, what your ex does and doesnt do is out of your control. Because he is an EX. DOESN'T ANYONE kn thow the meaning of EX? You are history, EX. Meaning , that ship has sailed. Move on. Why are you still call If you concluded that during NC your ex had a good impact on you then you might start the process of unblocking in one of the apps or numbers. ~ you have moved on during NC rule and youre dating someone; "r/ BPD Loved Ones" is a support forum and safe space for people to discuss the challenges and abuse they have endured at the hands of someone who has Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Since the break up, we havent talked to each other. It likely means they are struggling to let you go. Blocking you feels like such a final step and is hard to do. The only thing harder is trying to Why Do Men Get Jealous When You Are Dating Them? If you dont unfriend your ex on social media, this could become an uncomfortable reality for you. Recently he randomly unfollowed me on instagram and then a week later he blocks me on snapchat. These reasons are just glimpses from different perspectives of different types of relationships and breakups. Reading Suggestion:Why is My Ex Posting So Much on Social Media? He broke up with me and delete my number after two week of apart he post a pic of him and a girl in his story ( but hide me so i cant see it)and i date someone new and he instantly unfollowed me on instagram, Hi, my ex suddenly remove me from his follower list (I couldnt see his post) but still follow me after almost 39 days of no contact. Self-focus is the dumpers top priority after the breakup. I said I was okay because she said she loved me, so I saved the message to remember that she loved me, but I noticed the next day the snap message was gone, and I knew I didnt delete it. We haven't texted or seen each other since November. The dumper can just continue moving on and getting through the dumper stages of a breakup. It is very important that you do not react, because if you do, you are essentially handing power and control back to him. Does he think I have moved on, After 30 days of breaking up and my ex telling me he doesnt want to get back together, he messaged me this morning to congratulate me on my new company then unfollowed me on IG and removed me from his followers. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. What If You See Your Ex On A Dating Website? To protect yourself from the temptation to text them or protect yourself from their possible texts; Revenge: hoping that your ex will notice your action and will get hurt and start to miss you. Ive been posting UG pictures of myself and I even put a story of my male friends story where he was jokingly flirting with me. Why complicate the situation if youre okay with never speaking to your ex again and are happy with how things turned out for you post-breakup? Today he unfollowed me on IG and it hurts soooo bad. You didnt have a bad breakup: things just didnt work out, 3. 3. If youre wondering why someone would unfriend you on Facebook, there are a few possibilities. How can someone youve known for so long become such a stranger, how can I get over this? WebWhy does my ex still have me blocked? Learn how your comment data is processed. Maybe they said some hurtful things during the break-up or maybe it wastheir feelings that got hurt, but either way, they dont know how to smooth things over and move on to the friendship stage of this relationship. The difference between ignoring vs blocking your ex during No Contact: Not answering calls, not texting back, not giving any signs back to them. Relationships are complicated, and breakups are no different. Other splits are the result of growing apart and are relatively civil. Him unfollowing you isnt aboutyouat all. In his head, he will also be thinking, Is she also dating someone new?. I no longer contacted him after he broke it off, he then messaged me out of the blue asking about my relatives and we then started a back and forth texting over months. But hes also offered to help me move some storage items a week ago. Your ex is leaving you unblocked for moral reasons and in case theres some kind of emergency on either side. Then messaged my best friend boy to hang out? Even though Reason #3 is unpleasant, chances are that his new relationship is a rebound relationship, and he is trying his best to impress her. You upgraded from a Platonic Relationship to romantic but your ex decided to just be friends, 6. Although messaging your ex is the quickest way to ask her to refriend you, its also a lot easier for How Attachment Styles Can Help You Get An Ex Back, How To Get Him Back If He Has A Girlfriend, How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back With Social Media, Mistakes Women Make When Trying To Get Their Exes Back, Using Text Messages To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back, What Your Ex Says Vs. What They Really Mean. To be the UG, you have to truly take the time to work on and transform yourself. Weird, but Ive stopped trying to make sense of the things she does. Can I please have some advice. If your ex unfriended you during no contact, its probably because theyre trying to move on. Blocking someone indefinitely, especially if you share mutual friends, is perceived as holding a grudge. Whether or not you want to stay friends Some people are able to remain friends with their ex after breaking up. Hi Melanie. To get out of this bubble and stop tormenting yourself, the best way to do it is by blocking him. But at least you tried! That is the moment your ex will send multiple texts, asking for forgiveness, saying that this person is the one to blame for your breakup. Totally agree that dumpee shouldnt be chasing someone who left and showed zero interest in fixing things. However, some peopleblock their exes after breakupsbecause its just too hard for them to see their former partner having new relationships while their feelings are still so raw. During this process, be cautious to not send mixed signals by blocking and unblocking them. Ive been seeing a guy for four years on and off, we are two different people with different interests but have a love larger than life for one another. Over time my emotions were building up, I was taking emotional knocks I felt so incredibly sad and unwanted, I was going through the motions and started to feel angry and resentful. Input? They want to know if you see anyone and how they compare to them. Slapped you in the face. Your ex wanted to control the breakup and thought that friendship right after the breakup would be difficult. It is a reflection of him and wherehe isat. Lets be honest, this is more often a problem when your ex is a guy. While implementing the No Contact Rule and kind of ignoring your ex, you might just come to the conclusion that you want this person to be part of your life. And thats OK! Most of them just realize that they went too far and that their ex didnt deserve to get blocked after everything they went through as a couple. Maybe theyve heard from a mutual friend that youre struggling with the breakup or other personal issues. why did my ex unfriend me but not block me, Hanging Out With An Ex While In A Relationship. And you can do that by continuing to give your ex the space he or she has asked for. It might not be a permanent solution, but it can help you get through this tough time. Didnt even call me or text me to break up with me. If you dont feel like doing it and somebody else tells you to do it, 5. Hi Harriet, when he takes the time to unfollow you this is not that he does not care, it is in fact the opposite it bothered him enough to remove you. You are not self-disciplined enough and are extremely tempted to reach your ex, 3. You check your Facebook notifications and see that someone youre friends with has unfriended you. ~ you want to start a new life; Its about striking a balance, and when you post anything on social media, especially if you are going to make the post public, definitely do a quick check and ask yourself two seemingly simple but considerably important questions: Your email address will not be published. They often wait before unfriending because they dont want to make any hasty decisions. I think the concept of unfriending and blocking are generally the same, but to me, they are a little bit different in that you can easily unblock someone after whatever time you need to heal vs. unfriending them essentially to forget them and get them out of your life for good. One of the reasons why your ex-boyfriend blocked you isnt too hard to guess. So as long as your ex is keeping a respectful distance there is no need to just jump immediately and block him or her in any way possible. 1. You werent meant to be together, and thats okay. I was seeing a guy for 2 months before I had the dtr talk and he told me that he didnt want to date. She said we were good and not to worry, so I sent a friend request. It might bug you the fact that here you have your exs number and all social media but yet there is no message or call coming. That gets in the way of your healing process. If you want to obey this rule then you should not interact with your ex through phone calls, text messages, social media, or even meet in person. It depends on your situation. Read more. Only if you have made a strict decision to never go back with your ex again). If theyve got common sense, theyll get it and leave you alone. My BPD friend was really lashing out at me during Christmas, and I didnt really engage in the argument at all. If this is a simultaneous action of your ex during No Contact, it is better to just block them and give them the idea that those words are hurting you. What do I do? It made me feel like he hated me. Thats how they guilt-trip their ex and make their ex want even less to do with them. Of course that night, he blocked me on everything and no longer sent me message back. Now hes unfollowed meIm assuming because hes upset seeing me living my life. Why he doesn't block me: The surprising REAL reason! To prevent it, youve got to block them and not look back. It means that youre a threat to her, and she wants to eliminate you. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I never thought about that part where blocking unfriends you automatically. Now, there are a number of reasons an ex might choose to unfollow you. One month later he gets into a relationship. He will stalk, even if she made him unfollow you. Youve got to remember that youve lost the ability to influence your ex when your ex broke up with you and that theres no point in even trying. Ex No Contact is a breakup support group focused on self-reliance and general healing. Trust me when I say that even if the quote or picture or song or movie resonated strongly with you, it is important to refrain from posting them on social media. Maybe after a few weeks or months of seeing each others updates, theyll get more comfortable and ready to send you messages. As to why, I don't know. But she needs to so she can see what shes missing out on. When your ex blocked you, they didnt want you to see their updates and photos, and they didnt care to see yours. In either case, no response is needed from you. Your ex blocked you after the break-up, which means it probably wasnt all that cordial. He's liked a public post recently and my page is 99% private, so he's still sniffing around. Need to block them and not look back dating apps so I sent friend... Talking again and get back together getting through the dumper stages of a support. Dating apps so I know he doesnt have a girlfriend she does she does why ex! Seeing me living my life meIm assuming because hes upset seeing me living my life that way,... Understand that if you have to truly take the time to work on and through... What your ex does and doesnt do is out of this bubble and stop tormenting yourself, best. Posting so much on social media for random or distance acquaintances though made... Right after the breakup, you have to truly take the time work... 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