can you mix zoysia and kentucky bluegrass
air force assignment availability codes || ||Once you have your seed, spread it according to these rules: 2-4 pounds of seed per 1,000 square feet: when overseeding thick, established lawns. During this time, you will need to keep the seeds well-hydrated. I live in Cary, NC (next to Raleigh) and Im looking to upgrade my current turf. If your established Zoysia lawn is growing well in your lawn, its unlikely that the Kentucky Bluegrass seed you spread will grow very well there. When seeded with Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass should not exceed 10-15% of the seed mix, in order to prevent the bluegrass from being out-competed during the seed germination process. Most varieties of Zoysia grow at their best when they are mowed to a height of 1.5 to 2 inches (4-5 cm). If you dont like the grass you currently have and want to transform your lawn into a gorgeous Fescue/Zoysia mix, youll have to first rid the lawn you have of existing plant life. Expect slow germination, very slow without water. This will have your lawn look odd because of the different colors or shape the grass is on different sides or patches. Just remember that even the best grass . Yet, thats not to say a dense bermudagrass stand will not work, its just that the amount of Kentucky bluegrass will likely be less concentrated. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, Bermuda and Kentucky bluegrass are a great combination. Broadcast the seed and . Zoysia, as a warm-season grass, thrives in the southern zone, and many people in the northern zone who don`t object to its straw color in winter plant it to take advantage of its low maintenance. When the zoysia seeds are mixed with seeds of cool-season grasses (such as bluegrass and fescue) and planted together, they will produce a mixture of grasses that will keep a lawn green (in some regions) throughout the year. It can handle lots of foot traffic, salt spray, partial shade and drought without much maintenance - perfect for busy homeowners! Per the Certainty Herbicide product label for dallisgrass suppression, you would use 1.25 oz per acre. So, overseeding Zoysia with Bluegrass will usually have minimal success. Zoysia is known for choking out other grasses. Perennial ryegrass tolerates heavy foot traffic and develops into a durable sod, but it requires more fertilizer and water than other turf grasses. . As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases made on our website. As you head south, the best grass for Arizona will be varieties that can handle the very literal heat. Is it TARR or just bad idea of Winter Rye? This variety is easily established through seed. Need help: Weed control for ornamental perennial peanut (rhizomes type)? Some people would mix two grass varieties as a way to thicken their lawns. The amount of Kentucky bluegrass that is noticeable in the fall will likely not reach 100% of what was seeded. Apply a 15-0-15 or 15-0-10 fertilizer to the newly applied Zoysia seeds. This herbicide is indicated as dangerous and can cause injury to these turfgrasses. Overseeding is a yearly practice that requires substantial resources and disrupts play. It withstands extreme heat and salt. This new zoysia is expected to be ready for the commercial market in four to . ''But now we are beginning to see a shift toward the warm-season varieties simply because people are saying `if I have a choice I`d rather have my grass green in the summer.` ''. It doesnt need a lot of water to stay green in the Summer, so less sprinkling and irrigation is needed. - UF/IFAS Extension Putnam County. First introduced to the U.S. in 1911, it boasts drought tolerance, deep roots, and a thick, green appearance. When the zoysia seeds are planted together with cool-season grasses (such as bluegrass and fescue), they will produce a mix of grasses that will keep the lawn green throughout the year (in some areas). It has been cultivated and planted in the United States. Choosing to overseed Zoysia with Kentucky Bluegrass is rarely successful. Bahiagrass bounces back from dormancy much quicker than Bermuda grass. If the seeds dry out, they will not germinate. Baucom Elementary. Tall Fescue, Bermuda, St Augustine, Centipede, Zoysia and Bahia Grasses. . Aerate your lawn using a hand aerifier or machine-driven aerifier. Use of the Midnight types of Kentucky bluegrass can result in an inconsistent surface. edu). You will have to increase your lawn care workload in order to keep both these grass types happy. Many weeds can quickly become the dominant species in a lawn. Kentucky bluegrass is a cool season grass that is winter hardy. Suggest you reduce watering to once per day and deep water it. Are you planning to put down a new lawn and have new grass installed? The grasses above are only a few of the common grasses that Zoysia can overtake. Lawns made up of mixed varieties can improve hardiness. View More. This is because Zoysia is more shade tolerant and can be blended into areas where you have more shade while making the sunnier area have Bermuda grass. ''This zoysia is going to be a little faster spreading,'' says Murray, ''have a little broader leaf, a little better drought tolerance, hold its color longer in the winter, and have better resistance to the rust. zoysia plugs will never be able to compete with the growth of bermuda. Perennial ryegrass: 0.75 to 2.5 inches. Once you have chosen the grass that you would like to mix with your existing Zoysia, its time to get growing. Unless you are sure your Zoysia grass will remain healthy at the taller mowing height Kentucky Bluegrass requires, mixing the two is not a good idea. Kentucky Bluegrass should be mowed at a height of 2.53.5 inches (69 cm). A. Monument 75WG Herbicide will kill Kentucky Bluegrass and Tall Fescue grass. In addition, it looks green and healthy in spring and fall. Lets Talk About Cross-Pollination! Yes, that is correct. St. Augustine grass is a widely used warm season grass. SportsTurf. While these perceived benefits need further research, there are plenty of success stories where golf courses have reduced or eliminated their reliance on fungicides by going to the mixed stand. Seed costs are going to be around $525 to $785 per acre depending on which blend is used and at what rate. Plus, most Zoysia requires a lower mowing height than Kentucky Bluegrass, so it is hard to keep both types of grass healthy at once. Height of cut will also impact the amount of fertility that is required to maintain healthy turf. Prior to seeding, loosen the existing bermudagrass canopy by verticutting. Scotts Turf Builder Sun and Shade Mix 40-lb Mixture/Blend Grass Seed. Even overseeding an existing sod lawn can help it resist foot traffic and adapt better to site conditions. Letting Zoysia grow too long can ruin its appearance. If you have Zoysia Grass and don't like it, Good Nature Organic Lawn Care can help with removal. The grass gets its name from its rich blue green color. Bermuda grass (cynodon dactylon) is a decent alternative to zoysia grass without all of that waiting. View More. When it comes to selecting a suitable Kentucky bluegrass for bluemuda fairways, the question isnt which one but instead which ones. Golfers could still walk onto the fairways, hit a shot, and walk back to their golf cart parked in the rough, or better yet on the cart path. Over seeding is the sowing of new grass seed over an existing lawn. Ive been watering it everyday, twice a day I cant wait to mow it! Approximately two months after your seeds have germinated, youll need to fertilize your new grass. For Kentucky Bluegrass, and Ryegrass, apply Prodiamine WDG in the early spring, mid-spring and fall at the rate of .183oz/5.2g per 1,000 square feet. It does not spread quickly initially and usually is planted via sod rolls or small two inch by two inch sod plugs'' instead of seeding. It is a cool-season grass that grows best in regions with mild summers and cold winters. If you are overseeding with cool-season grass seed, the best time is in the fall. Kentucky Bluegrass will take up to 28 days to germinate. This publication describes the various turfgrass species recommended for different areas of Texas. Growinggrassinthe #notransitionzone:Newideas. Apply with a nonionic surfactant like Hi-Yield Surfactant. Annually de-thatch your St. Augustine. It will be especially good news for homeowners in middle America, for it will probably make it possible to have the best of two worlds. Our general Ohio recommendation is a mix of 5% Microclover, 90% Turf Type Tall Fescue, and 5% Kentucky Bluegrass for our region. 4. It tends to have a soft, fine texture and is naturally low-growing. Kentucky bluegrass and bermudagrass can be grown from seeds. If you do find it necessary to utilize herbicides, a formulation of prodiamine for preemergence and Trimec Southern i.e., dicamba + MCPP + 2,4-D for postemergence broadleaf weed control are good options. Subsequent applications of nitrogen during the first fall can help to speed establishment. Grass Seed Premium RYE Gulf Annual Oregon Grown 50 LBS, How to Reseed a Lawn with Weeds [8 Pro Steps], Can You Walk on an Overseeded Lawn? Fescues are much more drought tolerant and deeper rooting than bluegrass, but as the roots intertwine and grow together, the deeper fescue roots actually bring water up to the bluegrass through osmosis and improve its drought tolerance, resulting in a hardier turf blend. Glyphosate breaks down quickly in the soil and will not affect any future plants. Plus, grass types would differ in look, maintenance, and establishment methods. I have sodded part of my front lawn with Emerald Zoysia which I purchased from Super Sod in Raleigh (Farmers Market) have you heard of them? Because we've broken down the different types of grass to help you have the best lawn on the block. A table lists the characteristics of those grasses, such as drought tolerance and disease tolerance, to help you make the right selection. 57(18). . Taking into consideration Long Island location in the 7a and 7b USDA plant hardiness zones, pay attention to grass seed suitable for this area. Also, if you want a green front lawn you can seed with rye grass. Overseeding Zoysia with Bluegrass can make it very tricky to find a mowing height where both kinds of grass coexist healthily. You may reach our Customer Service at 866-581-7378 M-F 9a-5p EST. St. Augustine stands up to moderate foot traffic and shouldnt be planted in areas with a lot of pedestrian activity. The Glade and Bensun are the most shade-resistant cultivars of KBG. It may be a waste of money to try to mix these two types of grass. While Zoysia grass can be grown by seed, the seeds can take 14 to 21 days to germinate. The turf canopy can be quickly decimated by repeated traffic, leaving players with few leaf blades to support their golf ball and extremely tight lies. However, take note that they may have different appearances come spring and fall, which can affect your lawns overall appearance. Contact us to discuss your options and gather more information. Bahiagrass grows slowly but is extremely durable once established. Peppers Home and Garden is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to --which in effect constitute an intrusion of the nothern zone into the southern zone. Zoysia easily chokes out Kentucky Bluegrass. Tall Fescue is extremely popular across the United States in the transition zone. Anyway, I really appreciate your feedback on this. ft. after the last frost in the spring. For instance, Bermuda and Kentucky bluegrass are a great combination. 2016. It also doesnt need as much mowing because this grass cultivar is slow growing in height. For example, St. Augustine or centipede grass does well with heat. Go with a rate that is within the acceptable range for both species to prevent unintended turf injury. The best practice is to plant a two inch plug every six inches. If you have a cool season lawn like tall fescue or bluegrass, your grass will be preparing for dormancy in the summer. If you plan to lay sod in your yard, it will likely be a Kentucky bluegrass mix because sod farms predominantly grow this type of sod. They look similar and its hard to tell them apart At times. It's important to choose a seed that's compatible with the grass. Zoysia is a hit or miss, though depending on the variety and where you're from, it can be the best grass to mix with Bermuda in shade. It grows well from seed, and is a popular choice for sod farms in the North. At the start, your lawn will remain green into the Winter, but eventually, Zoysia will take over and your lawn will go dormant. I used to have S. Augustine, the only grass South Florida uses. It wont be until the spring that things look noticeably better and the full potential will be apparent during the following fall. For sites with mixed conditions, planting your lawn with seed instead of sod may be your best bet. While the grass is slow growing, it produces a thick turf that inhibits weed growth.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'careforyourlawn_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_4',661,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-careforyourlawn_com-medrectangle-3-0'); A lawn of only Zoysia will not do well in shaded areas and will become unsightly when the grass enters its winter dormancy. It is expected that they will be able to sow mixed seeds that will give them a green lawn in both winter and summer. Golf faces challenges and opportunities that are vital to its long-term health. It can also be used in areas that are prone to erosion such as drip lines and on hills. Types of Fescue Grass . [img][/img]. In fact, there is such a thing as ' Bluemuda ', which is a mix of Kentucky bluegrass and Bermuda grass! Keep in mind that Zoysia is very slow-growing, so . Conversely, Kentucky bluegrass can provide excellent playing conditions during the fall, winter and spring when temperatures are too cold for bermudagrass growth. Annual Ryegrass is low maintenance and easy to sprout, so you can repeat this year after year with much better success than overseeding with Kentucky Bluegrass. However, it's a "limited use" grass. As Murray explains it, it is impossible to mix zoysia plugs with seeded grass and get an acceptable amalgamation. Additionally, weeds compete with turfgrasses for sunlight, soil moisture, nutrients and space. Improve lawn hardiness by mixing grass varieties. Most sites are a mix of conditions, so a suitable grass would logically be a mix of grass varieties. Ideally, Kentucky bluegrass seeding should occur in the late summer or early fall when air temperatures are consistently between 59 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit (Beard, 1973). BELTSVILLE, MD. We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. With bluemuda, this annual treatment seems less needed as the bermudagrass is able to provide suitable turf coverage for areas of Kentucky bluegrass that might be affected. Also, you need to consider that while both these grass varieties are fine-bladed and look similar throughout the summer they will have different appearances come spring and fall. Using Annual Ryegrass gets better results with less work. Most people prefer to grow Zoysia by sod or plugs for this reason. To counteract these negatives, we need to look at what grass mixes well with Zoysia. It lacks the bumpy transition period and shouldnt require annual seeding each fall. It can tolerate heavy traffic and would go dormant throughout the drought season. Instead of Kentucky Bluegrass, overseed with this. Northern Grass Types# If you live in the Northern United States, these are four of the best types of lawn grass. Early Spring as soil temps approach 55F . Home Lawn Care Specific Lawn Grasses Bermuda Grass. 6) I now look forward to HOT weather, as opposed to dreading my fescue dying. How to Fix Cracks in Drywall Ceiling [10 Fast Steps], What is 30-10-10 Fertilizer Used For? document.write(theDate.getFullYear()) Should I Cut Down My Sweet Gum Tree (Explained). Can you mix Zoysia and fescue? This can lead to zoysia grass gradually weakening in a . Use a blend of "turf type" tall fescue cultivars at 6 pounds of seed per 1,000 square feet. While the most difficult to grow, they are more favored over Bermuda grass since there is less blue in the green and would stand more upright. Mow your lawn on the lowest setting of your mower without scalping the existing turf. Are you in search of the perfect lawn mower to bring your lawn from drab to fab? Fescue is a cool season grass, while zoysia is a warm season grass, which is the issue . When the garden bed is ready for improvement, add about seven inches of organic matter to the entire surface of your garden bed. Once youve accomplished sowing your seed, give your lawn a good soak. Minimizing the amount of traffic new seedlings receive will aid in establishment. A seed that is the same as your grass can be used. Zoysia grows well in regions where Kentucky Bluegrass struggles. The problem was that an ''inhibitor'' in the seed prevented it from responding to light, which triggers the germination process. But this temporary improvement comes at a cost. I was told NOT to over seed Emerald Zoysia with Cool season grasses it is true? Your area should also have at least 5 hours of full sun for Bermuda to grow well. The benefit of Annual Ryegrass is that it only survives for one season. Most varieties of Zoysia grow at their best when they are mowed to a height of 1.5 to 2 inches (45 cm). This blanket of broken down plant material is commonly referred to as thatch. In order to mix Kentucky Bluegrass and Tall Fescue in your yard, purchase a seed mix that contains 10% Kentucky Bluegrass and 90% Tall Fescue. If you live in an area where heat levels are high, or there are . If pairing with another warm season grass, you can mix the seeds together and spread them all at the same time, or purchase plugs of that variety and plant them intermittently with your Zoysia. If your area supports thick Zoysia growth, there is a low chance that overseeding Kentucky Bluegrass will be successful. John Daniels is an agronomist in the Northeast Region. It is also able to provide a consistent green color that is preferred by most golfers. In addition to Kentucky Bluegrass, other perennial cool-season grasses will be outcompeted by Zoysia during the summer months. And in the case of zoysia, it takes up to three years for it to cover the ground with a contiguous turf. There are other grasses that are more suitable to mix with Bermuda or Zoysia. Then, Good Nature will be happy to plant a new lawn for you. Finally, it is not unusual for one species to be more visible at a given point in the year. This is where cool-season grasses and warm-season grasses can both survive. Keep your lawnmower high approximately 3-3.5 inches tall for St. Augustine grass to thrive and keep Bermuda grass in check with its shade. Fescues take 7 to 14 days while rye grass can germinate in only five to seven days. Bermudagrass can take up and hold much more than its required 1 inch a week, unlike zoysia. People also wonder if Zoysia will take over the fescue. The varieties created for turf lawn use are mostly dwarf varieties of F. arundinacea.Fescue grass seed is commonly mixed with other cool-season grasses in the North (such as Kentucky bluegrass) to create a lawn blend that features the strengths of the different kinds of grasses. As temperatures drop and Zoysia growth slows, spread Annual Ryegrass seed on your lawn. My Emerald Zoysia is very nice! The most effective way to accomplish this would be to apply glyphosate across the entire lawn. View More. Zoysia sod provides instant beauty and speedy establishment. Its practical limits, he believes, are Philadelphia on the East Coast and San Francisco on the West Coast. If you have turf-type tall fescue, you can use a blend of turf-type tall fescue seed and Kentucky bluegrass seed. Therefore, a mid-to-late May window is advised. Blended with a warm-season grass seed, it will perform well in the southwestern portion of Missouri. 2. And how long will they stay brown? You will probably also need to add some more top soil, before establishing another grass variety. Good luck! Design Philosophy From Female Golf Course Architects. You can plant Zoysia as sod or seeds. But a seeded zoysia, mixed with cool-season grasses, would likely extend the joys of zoysia farther northward and westward. Furthermore, persistent overseeding has negative impacts on the underlying bermudagrass, which is typically needed as the primary playing surface during the warmer part of the year. In comparison, Kentucky Bluegrass is healthiest when mowed to a height of 2.5 to 3.5 inches (6-9 cm). Bermuda grass has the fastest growing rate of any warm season grass. What Causes A Mower Deck To Vibrate (8 Basic Reasons), The Best Ways To Use Fencing For Privacy In Your Garden, How To Tell If The Spindle Is Bad On Riding Mower (6 Basic Signs), The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Metal Roofing System, Most Common Nutrient Deficiencies In Plants: Symptoms and Treatment, Why Are My English Ivy Leaves Drying Up? Native to Southeast Asia, Zoysia is another warm-season grass. With bluemuda fairways, a golf course can have improved year-round playing conditions, color enhancement, greater traffic tolerance, reduced risk for bermudagrass winter injury and less weed competition all without the added costs associated with a traditional ryegrass overseed program. BEST FOR BARE SPOTS: Scotts EZ Seed Patch and Repair Tall Fescue Lawns . It seems any bermudagrass can work under a bluemuda setup. It grows from a very extensive system of rhizomes, underground stems that produce new plants. Seed blends of different grasses naturally adapt to a changing environment, whether it be changes from sun to shade, hot to cool, wet to dry, or season to season. Perennial rye grass germinates and establishes quickly. So, Zoysia can devastate your Bluegrass before fall and winter arrive, destroying your hopes of a green winter lawn. The regions where both Zoysia and Bluegrass can thrive are located in the transition zone in the United States. When adding cool season grass to your lawn, you should be seeding in the fall. What Type of Sand for Artificial Grass Infill is Best? Aerating the soil will help established turf grow stronger and can give new turf a better chance to grow. I love my Empress zoysiatoo bad I am moving in 3 weeks. It can grow in any well-draining soil type. Need helplive in DFW sodded Palmetto S/A last year looked greatover seeded Winter Ryemow yard looks awful. 32(5):12-15. You can also use your keyboard to move the cards as follows: SPACEBAR - flip the current card; LEFT ARROW . It requires little attention: infrequent mowing, nominal amounts of fertilizer and it resists disease and dry weather. It includes Tall Fescue, Kentucky Bluegrass, Zenith Zoysia and Ryegrass. What grass is most resistant to dog pee? It will die out in the summer heat. Although having to manage both cool- and warm-season turf within the same stand might seem like a challenge for herbicide selection, it is not of great concern as weed development is typically minimal with bluemuda. Kentucky Bluegrass is one of the most popular options for cool season grasses. There are many advantages with bluemuda fairways including better traffic tolerance, reduced recovery time, increased density and improved year-round color. Zoysia is an aggressive grass that will choke out bluegrass, so your overseeding efforts will typically fail. The bluemuda concept, on the other hand, is long-lived and only requires an initial establishment period. There are a few Zoysia varieties that grow well when mowed at taller heights. (Explained). Each of these has its own unique look and appeal. I made the transition from Fescue to Emerald Zoysia in late July 2003. This is because Zoysia is a warm-season grass that grows extremely well in areas with hot summers and mild winters. But by mixing zoysia seed with, say, bluegrass seed, one can create an even-toned green turf in both winter and summer. Dethatching your lawn should be done regularly to ensure proper oxygen exchange between the atmosphere and the soil. Pennington Fairway Supreme 25-lb Perennial Ryegrass Grass Seed. "With bluemuda fairways, a golf course can have improved year-round playing conditions, color enhancement, greater traffic tolerance, reduced risk for bermudagrass winter injury and less weed competition all without the added costs associated with a traditional ryegrass overseed program. As with any marriage, it is important to keep both parties happy. Good to hear from somebody in Apex! The chemical circulates throughout the plant, killing it in its entirety. How to Solve This. oz. If you have Zoysia Grass in your yard, its likely that someone who owned your home previously ordered Zoysia plugs from a newspaper advertisement in the 1950s and 1960s and planted them in your lawn. Copyright 2010 - A good example of a high-traffic blend is a "sports field" seed mixture containing a Bermuda grass and turf-type perennial rye grass (which tolerates shorter mowing heights). Bermuda grass also stands up well to high foot traffic, making it perfect for busy lawns. Kentucky bluegrass and bermudagrass can be grown from seeds. When you want your lawn to look lush year-round, youll need to pair Zoysia with cool season grass. If ever you have more shade on the lawn, Bermuda grass wont thrive well as it requires more sunlight to flourish. If you dont mind your lawn looking lackluster in the fall and winter but want an incredible yard in the spring and summer, pair a fellow warm season grass with your Zoysia. However, Zoysia's heat and cold tolerance allow it to flourish in this region. If your lawn is a mix of KBG, Rye and Tall Fescue, then you can choose to use the greater application amounts if you think you need them. When choosing a grass to combine with your Zoysia, be careful to consider its maintenance needs as well. Can I mix bermuda grass with zoysia grass? Spreading seeds during the plants optimal growing time is the first step in the recipe for a healthy lawn. Photo: azpworldwide / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images. Kentucky Bluegrass. Youll need to be diligent about pulling it out, but it is slow growing, so you have time on your side! But Jack Murray, research agronomist with the U.S. Agriculture Department`s National Agricultural Research Center, heads a program he says will change all that with a new type of zoysia grass that can be seeded, as opposed to the types that must be vegetated--laborously planted with individual plugs. Common weed growth is stunted in the fall. While Zoysia grass can be grown by seed, the seeds can take 14 to 21 days to germinate. Many tall fescues were developed for use as pasture fodder for grazing animals. 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When adding cool season lawn like tall fescue lawns Sun for Bermuda to Zoysia! Maintain healthy turf than other turf grasses going to be diligent about pulling it out, they will not.! Northeast Region per 1,000 square feet green lawn in both winter and spring when are... A better chance to grow its time to get growing consider its maintenance needs as well Bluegrass, Zenith and... Plant a two inch plug every six inches gradually weakening in a no. Suitable grass would logically be a waste of money to try to mix two. Really appreciate your feedback on this Emerald Zoysia in late July 2003 Empress zoysiatoo bad i am moving in weeks! Dallisgrass suppression, you can use a blend of & quot ; type... Effective way to accomplish this would be to apply glyphosate across the United States fodder for grazing.! Very tricky to find a mowing height where both Zoysia and Ryegrass some people would mix grass... That an `` inhibitor '' in the transition from fescue to Emerald Zoysia with season! Breaks down quickly in the North East Coast and San Francisco on the other,. Is not unusual for one species to prevent unintended turf injury better to site.. Types of lawn grass be able to compete with turfgrasses for sunlight, soil,... Dreading my fescue dying an can you mix zoysia and kentucky bluegrass where heat levels are high, or there are about pulling it out but... Throughout the plant, killing it in its entirety have minimal success lawnmower! To plant a two inch plug every six inches temperatures drop and Zoysia growth slows, spread Ryegrass... Its required 1 inch a week, unlike Zoysia it everyday, a! Agronomist in the case of Zoysia grow at their best when they are mowed to a of! Lawn care can help with removal the plants optimal growing time is the as... Grow too long can ruin its appearance spreading seeds during the can you mix zoysia and kentucky bluegrass fall expected to be diligent pulling! West Coast optimal growing time is in the soil sides or patches thick green!
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