Hylyte Digital

DL Compliment Slips

DL Compliment Slips


210mm x 99mm (Plus 3mm on each side)


Printed on laser paper

Available in

80,90,100,110 laser and 100 splendorgel (specialty stock)

Common Uses

Primarily for stationery purposes, but can be used as a cheap mail dropper

Artwork/ Design requirements

Follow standard artwork requirements but be careful not to create designs with too much ink as most laser paper is uncoated and may scuff. Be careful also with watermarks. The minimum watermark should contain at least 4-5% of ink coverage in order to show clearly on a print job. If in doubt, order a digital proof, which will give you a good idea of the final result.

Ready to order? Contact sales@hylytedigital.com.au for more information.